Walking with Kids
Do you need some tips for getting your kids out on a walk?
Do they do a little moan when you suggest heading out for a walk?
Change the way they feel about a walk. Make it fun and get them to loving to explore rather than loathing it.
Here is my massive list of things to do on a walk with Kids.
Whether its a tired toddler or a reluctant teen, keep on reading an find out how to motivate your child what ever their age.
Getting your kids to enjoy a walk outdoors can be such a challenge. I've thought it many times myself "why did I even ask them to come on this walk?
Sometimes you just have to shift the way you put it to them. Don't call it a walk. Say you are going exploring or that you're on a mission to find a Trig or a waterfall. Get them to help choose where you go and even get them to guide the way.
Tops Tips for Walking with kids
⭐Some walks will be more successful than others, so dont give up after a negative family walk. If it was a tough route or rubbish weather or terrain this could easily put children and even adult off walking. So keep trying and try to pick short, easy routes to start off with.
⭐I'm guilty of this. Don’t get so tied into the adventure that you want, that you forget what your child needs on their own adventure. Take the walk at the child’s pace. Slow down and look at nature together.
⭐The best things to do is play lots of walking games which are so much fun for kids.
⭐ Litter Picking, make it fun and talk about why its a good deed.
⭐ Find an interesting path with a trail or things to spot
⭐ Pack a picnic and go looking for a good picnic spot
⭐ Play Eye Spy, looking for things along your walk
⭐ Walk to something, a trig to stand on or a view point
⭐ Walk to a cafe or to get an ice cream
⭐ Take a bubble wand to blow bubbles as you walk
⭐ Get them taking photos. Use a camera or phone and let them have fun
⭐ Get them finding the best stick, pinecones or conkers
⭐ Print off a map of your route and let them guide you
⭐ Go out after its been raining and splash in puddles
⭐ Print off a scavenger sheet of things of nature to find
⭐Matchbox Hike - walk with a matchbox with a challenge to fill it with as many things as possible.
⭐Take a flask of hot chocolate, and stop somewhere on route to enjoy
⭐Make a Bug Hunt Pack - in a backpack pack a microscope, a pot and net for catching bugs in long grass
⭐Make an Explorer Bag - pack a map, compass and binoculars to go exploring with
⭐Take paper and wax crayons to do leave and tree rubbings
⭐Take a Blindfold to play find a tree game. a person is blindfolded and lead to a tree, they feel it and then get taken away and blindfold removed. They then have to re find their tree now they can see.
⭐Collect flowers to put in a flower press
⭐Go on a walk with friends - this is always a winner, they are too busy playing to realise they are walking.
⭐Go on a walk with a nature Playground - stepping stones and balance beams
⭐Go for a walk in the evening with a torch and look for stars
Top Tips of What to Pack on a Walk with Kids
🔴Snacks and a drink
🔴Spare clothes incase they get wet or muddy
🔴A plastic bag to sit on for a rest or snack
🔴Wipes and tissues for grubby hands and runny noses